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Mechanical Music Radio Web Players

Welcome to this information page about the web-based players for Mechanical Music Radio.

There are two versions; standalone and a 'widget' which is displayed below.

The standalone version is run from the 'Listen Live' link on the Mechanical Music Radio website.

The widget can be added to a website using a small block of HTML code which is shown below. Copy and paste it into your webcode. Use the DIV to set the Left and Top position on the page, but please leave the width and height as shown. You may not need the opening and closing DIV if your website has been created on a web template system, Weebly for example, in which case just use the iframe code line in a custom HTML block.

Note that the 'Mixed Content' issue has now been resolved and the widget will now work on an HTTPS website

I have attempted to launch the main player with the sound playing, but web browsers don't automatically allow autoplay, so you may have to press Stop then Play to hear the audio. Firefox has a control at the top of the page which allows you to enable autoplay. Other browsers don't appear to provide this. The Widget opens with the audio muded, so you always have to press the play button. There is also a volume control which avoids having to use the sound settings on your device.

Please note the design of the players is subject to change, I am always tweaking something! If you have any issues with these players (not the mobile App) please contact me, but note I don't have any control over the radio streaming system you need to contact James, thanks, happy listening, Dave Stubbs.

Mechanical Music Radio Player Information by Dave Stubbs ©2019 -2022